The Inquisitive Leader's Guide to Large Language Model Adoption
Essential Questions to Shape Your LLM Strategy and Drive Success
"Ask the right questions if you’re going to find the right answers."
– Vanessa Redgrave
The interest in using Large Language Models (LLMs) for task automation is growing rapidly among business leaders. But diving into LLMs isn't just about leveraging new tech—it's about doing it right from the start. While each company's path to integrating LLMs is unique, there are key questions you could ask to kick things off.
Navigating Governance, Risk, and Compliance
What is our governance, risk, and compliance posture?
What industry rules apply to us?
Should we buy enterprise licenses?
What LLMs are we allowed to use?
What use cases are permitted?
Can we use LLM-generated content/code in customer deliverables?
Can our subcontractors use LLMs?
Should we disclose the use of AI?
Should we log & audit the use of LLMs?
Team Training and Continuous Learning
How do we document our policies?
Who will be responsible for keeping the policy up to date?
How do we educate the team on using AI?
How do we share best practices & what’s working?
How do we make sure LLM use doesn’t clash with our mission & values
Should the company pay for tools & training?
How do we verify AI content?
Do team members fear AI automation?
Tools, Techniques, and Prerequisites
What pilot projects should we consider?
Do we have the data needed?
Which project is best for LLM?
Is the task repeated?
Is there a human in the loop? Should there be?
Are our goals and metrics clear?
How much will LLM use cost us?
How will we expand if successful?
How and when will we measure success?
Do we have the right tools to implement the project?
Crafting Your Strategy
How can LLMs shake up how we work? Our industry? Our competition?
Where are our constraints? Can LLMs unblock them?
Could someone offer 80% of our product/service at 20% of our cost?
How do we build expertise with AI in our industry?
What new products/services would now be feasible?
What services would be devalued?
What are our customers doing with AI?
AI Strategy Workshops
We’re conducting a limited number of personalized workshops to help companies map AI capabilities to their organizations.
Interested? Please reach out.